Seeking S.O.U.L

We are dedicated to helping others improve their lives by aiding in physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Our mission is to serve. We believe that each of us has a unique heart song that deserves to be heard and that by addressing latent traumas and energy blockages, anyone can live their authentic truth without fear.

How We Serve:

Our Impact:

"As both a friend and coach for years, the level of mastery that Brian brings to the table is unparalleled in the spiritual life coaching space. He is absolutley willing to work with you and any goal you set for yourself - even if the 'how' is no yet evident. He has ample insight into the inner-workings of relationships, work, family, freinship, spirituality, meditation and energy work. He changed my life. He will most certainly change yours as well."

Daniel R

"How very blessed I was to have you be so responsive and loving toward me. I was quite stunned by my fall. Disoriented. But you helped me so much with your kind assistance. I want you to know that my knee feels remarkably good!! Getting the trauma off it with Reiki so immediately made a world of difference. Thank you for that! I wanted to let you know how well I am doing thanks to your swift response."


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